Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My First Gallery

I was shocked when I was asked to show my jewelry in a local gallery coming up in a couple of weeks. I have never before had my jewelry displayed anywhere except in my own studio for friends or family to see. I will admit, I was excited as well as nervous. I also wasn't aware of all the prep work involved in a show like this.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the work involved in what seems to be a quickly approaching date but I am sure I will get through it all just fine. My time seems so limited with having a full time job and work around the house as it is, although I'm sure many artisans go through the same thing somehow pulling it off. As if all that wasn't enough pressure, now I am having a creative block which does not help my situation. I'm not sure at this point if its just my nerves or coincidence. I may be just trying too hard and over thinking it all which is characteristic of me.

I would have never had the guts to approach a gallery on my own. I know this will be a great opportunity for me to experience as well as shake the shyness of hiding behind a computer screen. I do love selling on Etsy but it will be nice to get some recognition outside of the website alone. Having a face behind the name and the jewelry. I do wish Etsy would let us put pictures up on our profile page so others can easily meet the artist at work.

I will keep everyone updated on my status. I just wish the the creative block would lift already as I am running out of time. Time to start panicking! I will post when and where the show will be located as well as other artists. I will also post pictures from opening night as well. Click on the title link to see the items already picked from my shop by the curator Elayna Alexandra.

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