Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Memorable Gallery Reception

I had the privilege to be in my first gallery reception at Birt's Bistro & Bookstore located within Interfaith Community Care on August 14th. I will admit, I was a bit timid and too quiet in the beginning, not sure of what I was supposed to do. I focused my attention on the curator Elayna Alexandra and the other artists to get an idea of what was expected of me.

Meeting the other talented artists was inspiring which helped my situation immensely. As the evening progressed, I started to mingle and became more relaxed in this new environment. I answered questions about gemstones and the different metals in my jewelry, not only making me feel very confident in my work but more importantly confidence in myself, realizing guests were here to view my work and to meet the meet me.

My jewelry indicated by red arrows.

Elayna helps to relax me by making me laugh :)

All in all, Birt's first gallery was a success resulting in a great turn out of guests, beautiful live harp music, a pretty table of hors d'oeuvres, tempting treats, wine and wonderful conversation making the evening complete. Elayna Alexandra, artist and volunteer curator did a fabulous job with the event making it enjoyable for everyone with her friendly and vibrant personality. The extremely friendly volunteer staff, did a terrific job with the food and serving wine to the guests. You couldn't ask for a better group of helpful individuals on such an important evening.

Photos taken & approved by Elayna Alexandra.
I am excited and looking forward to the next gallery opening reception on October 9th with my new self confidence and best of all a new friendship with Elayna has blossomed from this unforgettable opportunity. No matter how many galleries may be in my future, the first will by far be the most memorable to me.

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